Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2007

day 4 (morning) - intaanetto!

07/06/07 8.04
i`m back at mochizuki`s house. some more details from yesterday: in nara, where i took like 120 pictures, there was this huge buddha statue. it was about 30m high and it was in one of japan`s oldest temples (called Todaishi), more than a 1000 years old i think. it was also very nice to see the yanai family again. everyone was two years older but they hadnt changed al lthat much. only the younger daughter looked older and in another two or three years she will be quite pretty i think, we played cards and i gave them a book about mulheim and i explained all the pictures. i also found out that there is really no topic better suited for japanese conversation than cars. which german cars do you have in japan, which japanese cars do we have in germany? is hyundai japanese? (answer: nope)
in a few minutes i`ll get to use mochizuki`s computer and i`ll try to publish at least my first journal entries o nthe blog. i`ll also have to send an email to my family. which btw. reminds me, that i bought three postcars yesterday. i promised to sed them to my school class.


1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

cool, kinda forgot about this blog. keep it up! its an interesting read once in a while. I also liked the three neat little trivia tallies you did at the end of two of your posts (grey cars: 8) ^^

I'll go to vienna to visit and meet lost/kitten/yu/mörch/mad-leser and a few other txwlers by the way. 20.7.-22.7.

read you.