Samstag, 23. Juni 2007

day 19 - eastwards ho!

22/06/07 33:44 (alright, i forgot it)
yesterday.... i mean today *cough* i left kyoto and went to atami. it was a bit sad to go since i liked the family. they drove me to the kyoto main station where i boarded the shinkansen (fast train) bound for tokyo. it took 2 hours to get to atami. japanese trains btw. are always amazingly on time. at the station my next host aoki-san waited with his wife and a friend. we had lunch and drove a bit around the city. atami is a seaside resort with very famous `onsen` hot springs. it lies directly between the mountains and the sea and reminds me a little bit of monaco because of all the hotels. it`s not that dirty and ugly, hough. aoki-san`s house is above his company for air cooling systems and has a beautiful view of the ocean. in the evening some y`smen friends of his came over and we had a welcome dinner. they mentioned several times that they are the district with the most heavy drinkers and they surely intended to live up to their image.

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