Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2007

day 16 - kyoutokankou

19/06/07  23:44
i somehow don`t really feel like writing right now, couldn`t say why. the day was nice enough. i spent the morning with the daughter of the family who works at a mobile phone store. we went to some places in kyoto. first was the sanjuusangendou, a big temple with a long hall. inside this hall there were 1000 golden buddhist statues (about as big as a man each). quite impressive, this army. then we went to the kyoto tower. it`s about 100m high and directly opposite the kyoto main station where i was 2 years ago. can`t imagine how i could`ve not seen this tower then. anyway, from up there you had quite the view of the city. too bad that it was clouded throughout the day. we had lunch at an italian restaurant. in the afternoon i went to the byodoin temple with the mother. it was in restauration right now so we couldn`t enter, but some of the statues and ornaments were exhibited in a museum. the rest of the day i was here at the house.

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