Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2007

day 25 - more temples. always more.

28/06/07 17:02
to continue where i left off yesterday. i met most of the rest of the family in the evening. everyone but the university student, who apparently came home quite late. the father is a professional contrabass player in the tokyo symphony orchestra and has been pretty much all over the world. he also speaks a little bit of german and he has a nice dictionary kind of thing, with useful phrases for japanese people who visit germany: "how much is a single room for one night?" "japan has a strong economy" "this policy is a waste of our tax money" (no kidding). today i went to the nearby city of kamakura with katou-san. it is famous for its temples and shrines and there were many tourists there. the biggest number of europeans/americans i`ve seen so far. most of the time you don`t see any, which means that you will always wherever you go stand out in a crowd (even more so, if you`re bigger than the japanese). when i walk by another westerner, i feel the strong urge to greet him or at least nod in his direction, as if we were part of some underground group, it`s really weird. anyway, we met two friends of katou-san, both pretty old, too, at kamakura and walked around the city. it was another of these too-hot-to-be-pleasant days. they made me buy a fortune telling at one shrine and it was probably as bad as fortune tellings go, hehe. i should be careful what i wish for, i should get rid of my partner, i am spending time with a wrong person, if i get sick it will take a long time to get better, i`m too reckless and will lose money if i don`t pay attention and so on. anyway, now i`m back here at the pc and listening to my cds.

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