Montag, 18. Juni 2007

day 12 - shopping

15/06/07 24:10
i didn`t write another entry yersterday because there wasn`t much to say. we bought some stuff for dinner and ate, i met the son and the father who are both nice and we talked a little about all kinds of things. went to bed early. today was more interesting. i slept till 10 or so and had breakfast. afterwards, me and takuya (the son) left and drove to some guy`s house. he3 doesn`t live 5 minutes from the city, but it really looked like some hermit`s house. there were all kjinds of cages with turtles and ducks and his basement was full of pottery goods and tools (which is his job i guess). anyway, we didn`t exactly do anything there and we left to go visit some shrine (reminder: temple = buddhist, shrine = shinto). the shrine was on a small mountain so we climbed a lot of stairs/ was fun to see a bit of nature, though. after that we got back here and played a little badminton game in front of the house. for lunch we went to a ramen place. the meal was fantastic but too much, hehe. from there we went to some bookstores, where i bought another (english) murakami novel and some used hikaru no go manga. those i can actually more or less read! in the evening we went downtown to meet the parents. they took us to some small restaurants in a maze of tiny alleys, but to get there we had to go through the longest shopping mall in the world or japan or whatever (seriously, that`s what they told me, i`m not making this shit up) and it really was, i don`t know, a good kilometer long. maybe more, we didn`t walk it in its entirety. the first restaurant (we only had small dishes) served japanese food, the second one was korean and had specialties such as raw beef liver. it tasted strange. anyway, after they`ve finished their work, japanese businessmen don`t go home, they go to such places with their colleagues to drink (it`s true, some kids almost never see their fathers i suppose) and the father knew the owners of the places pretty well. now i`m here, reading (9726)

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