Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007

day 30 - why go to paris if you can travel round half the goddamn world (and who wants to hear donald speak french anyway)

03/07/07 25:42
today i went to disneyland tokyo. i`ve never been to any other disnyland. well, it turned out to be a pretty ormal kid-friendly amusement park, but so what, it was fun. i went with some ymca members of my age. to get there we drove around tokyo on the subway. because it was a tuesday outside the holiday season it was empty for disneyland standards and we never had to wait for more than 20 minutes, even on the most popular rides. the day went by quickly and we met the youth chief hosokawa-san at 6pm inside disneyland at a restaurant. there was another group of 4 with a boy from norway. he arrived last week and is doing pretty much the same thing as me, staying until august. the difference: he doesn`t speak a word of japanese. that`s got to be tough. on the other hand he might not experience so many "oh he can speak japanese so i`ll just talk and talk and talk and talk abouth whatever the hell i`m talking about at this breakneck speed not noticing the look of incomprehension on his face, surely he must understand me, so why don`t i use some complicated words like nuclear vortex on the vertebrae of the sacrosanct conscious equilibrium. income taxes. declaration of independence. huh, are you tired?" - "no i`m not tired, i don`t understand a SINGLE GODDAMN WORD SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!!111oneone" moments. those are always very... precious to me. btw., when japanese pay for the day they stay for the day, so i got home by 11. and the disney parade music is frighteningly close to final fantasy vii`s golden saucer theme. 27301.

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